
Babies! Just a few of the 20,000 that Roger has helped to deliver!

Should I have a Home Birth?

Place of Birth – should you have a home birth?   By Obstetrician Roger Marwood MSc FRCOG Once again , the “Place of Birth ” has become an important issue, and will doubtless be a political  football, which will be kicked around for the next few months by most of the interested parties.  This has been prompted by the release of the NICE recommendations,  that more women should be delivered in Midwifery led units and, more controversially perhaps, at home. They are recommending that all low risk women should be encouraged to give birth in midwifery led units, without any […]

Limit the amount of Fish you are eating whilst Pregnant!

I am now 34 weeks pregnant and only stumbled across some advice today that said that amongst the types of fish you should limit to eating only twice a week are sea bream and sea bass (I knew that advice applied to salmon but not those other ones).  I don’t eat these types of fish often in general – however, while I was abroad over the summer I ate quite a lot of bream and bass type fish over a 2 week period when I was about 21 weeks pregnant onwards.  Ironically I thought that these fish grilled were one […]

Hyperemisis Gravidarum – What are the effects?

By Roger Marwood Msc FRCOG               We are all relieved to hear that the Duchess of Cambridge is feeling better and able to return to normal activity. For some women Hyperemesis Gravidarum is a serious and disabling condition that can have significant health  problems for the mother to be, her unborn baby, and her family. I have seen many women  for whom this is a lot more than a 3 month problem of morning sickness. Try and imagine the worst hangover that you have ever had and multiply it by a factor of ten […]

Placenta Praevia – Do I really need a C Section?

My IVF baby is due in 4 weeks.  My placenta is 0.7 cm from the edge of the birth canal and it is at the back of my womb.  My consultant has booked me in for a C Section one week before my due date. The reason for this is what they have told me is that if I have a natural birth and the baby ruptures the placenta, then they would have to perform an emergency caesarean and even if this happens because of where the placenta is, could be quite complicated.  My POV is that I would rather […]

Why am I Terrified of Childbirth?

Why am I Terrified of Childbirth? by Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Roger Marwood Msc FRCOG Fear of Childbirth (FOC) or Tokophobia is finally getting some long overdue attention and consideration by doctors and midwives who look after pregnant women . There are various definitions. It is perhaps best described as a significant anxiety disorder or phobia relating to labour and delivery usually associated with a variety of other complaints . These can take the form of  nightmares, sleep disorders, a variety of physical symptoms, difficulties at home and at work, and often result in a request for Caesarean section. Previous studies […]

The Doctor/Grandfather Speaks! What is it like to be an Obstetrician with two Pregnant Daughters?

Double Grandpa! Wilf 9 days and Daisy 0 days! It had been a long day at the Hospital, and that first cold beer was top of my “to do” list when I got home on that warm September evening. ! I was surprised (and delighted) to find both my daughters waiting for me. Both giggling. And both NOT clutching a large glass of chilled rose. I should have known! I was instructed to sit down, close my eyes and hold out both my hands. A plastic, stick-like object was placed in each open palm. What were they? I was mystified. […]

Dying in Pregnancy and Childbirth

Thanks to modern medicine and education, women in the UK rarely die in pregnancy in childbirth.  However, in rural parts of Ethiopia 1 in 21 women die in pregnancy and childbirth.  This is a horrific figure if you really stop to think about it. “The Doctor”, Roger is taking a team to Ethiopia in May to help train medical staff in emergency maternity care.  This will be his third trip. If you have found this site helpful during your pregnancy or have asked Roger a question which has been answered and would like to show your thanks then please do […]