
Trying to Conceive after a Miscarriage – Should I wait for my period?

I had an ERPC 3 weeks ago today.  I am 36, feel fine physically and emotionally ok.  And I’m ovulating.  My husband and I don’t want to wait for my period to try again.  Given I feel ok, can we just try? My understanding is the only reason to wait for the period is to date the pregnancy but I know the ovulation date so that’s not a problem.  I could of course have retained some tissue but bleeding stopped a couple of days after op.  Can we just go ahead and try? Plenty of forums seem to be saying that’s […]

Is it safe to eat tinned food?

This last week has seen an epidemic of scary articles suggesting that it may be dangerous for pregnant women to eat canned food, microwaved food, drink water from plastic bottles left in the sun , and handle cash register receipts. The alarm was raised after a meeting in Boston USA this week where some recent work on the risk of miscarriage was presented.  It presented the results of a study of 114 women , who were already known to have a history of miscarriage and / or infertlity. It found that those women who had high levels of a compound […]

Early Bleeding

I am 6 weeks pregnant and I have had a very small amount of bleeding. Is this normal? I want to have an early scan but am not sure if my GP will refer me as I heard that the first scan you are offered is the 12 week one. I am not sure I can wait that long. Bleeding in early pregnancy is very common and happens in at least one in four pregnancies.  It does not mean you have lost the baby.  With only light bleeding and no bad cramps the pregnancy is likely to be safe.  You […]

When can I start trying to conceive after a miscarriage?

I had an EPRC following a missed miscarriage/anembryonic pregnancy exactly two weeks ago.  I have had 2 different opinions on when to start trying to get pregnant again.  The consultant sonographer who confirmed the missed miscarriage thought it better to wait for a full cycle but the consultant who carried out the EPRC procedure (at a different hospital) said to start trying straight away if that’s what I want.  Because of having been given two different opinions by qualified people, I wondered what your opinion would be.  Also, given that it is said that you are extra fertile following miscarriage […]

Miscarriage, positive pregnancy test?

Hi. I had a chemical miscarriage at 5.5 weeks. I did a pregnancy test last week (4weeks to the day I had a miscarriage) and it was positive. Does it mean I am pregnant or should I wait a couple more weeks. How long does it take for the HCG hormone to leave your body? What are the chances of a recurrent miscarriage?   It may take up to 6 weeks for HCG to leave your body after a normal pregnancy but less than that after an early miscarriage. Could you be pregnant again? Recurrence of miscarriage is no more […]

Worried about Fibroids and Fertility.

I am 37 and worried about the effects of fibroids and my age on my ability to get pregnant again.  I have 6 in total (2 in each place you can have them eg inside, lining and outside) I have a complicated obstetric history but am now mostly worried about the fibroids. Will they be bigger since my last pregnancy? Do they grow yearly? Monthly? All my other problems aside if I had no problems falling pregnant before can they affect this if I want to try again? My pregnancy history is: July 2009 21 weeks miscarriage (blood clots in […]

PCOS and Miscarriage

My partner and i were trying to conceive for nearly a year. Sadly we miscarried at 5 1/2 weekes. i was diagnosed with PCOS a year back could the miscarriage be due to this? We would like to start trying again but very scared to do so incase we lose our baby again! Does having PCOS mean multiple miscarriages? Most early miscarriages are due to random and unpredictable chromosomal problems which are essentially non viable pregnancies.  Although PCOS is sometimes associated with difficulty getting pregnant and a slight increase in miscarriage , nature is still very much on your side. […]

Miscarriage- bleeding afterwards

I miscarried at 11 wks, but the baby died at 7 wks. I had a d&c on the 4th Dec ’12. Very light bleeding until the 13th Dec. Then nothing until the 26th Dec…..when I thought this must be my period – usual cramps to start with….gone after about 48hrs. However, I’m now not so sure as my periods usually last about 5 days and this has gone on for 8 days ( still very light bleeding). I have done a preg test – neg. Is it possible to get your period 3 weeks after d&c? do you think this […]

7 Weeks Pregnant and no heartbeat detected.

I recently had a scan on monday when I was 7+4 weeks pregnant and the baby was only 5.6mm and was no heartbeat. Does that mean my baby has died??? I’m really scared and worried. I have to go back on monday to check to see if there is a heartbeat yet. I thought I saw flickering 3 times but the Dr said he wasn’t sure as the picture wasn’t very clear. Is 5.6mm to small for a 7 week baby? At the moment it is too soon to make a diagnosis. You may be aware that the guidelines on diagnosing a […]

Is Miscarriage Care Insensitive?

By James GallagherHealth and science reporter, BBC News Imagine being in hospital with the knowledge you’ve just miscarried and lost your baby. But at the same time you’re being kept on a ward where you can hear women going through labour and life entering the world. It happened during Julie Orford’s first miscarriage and was just one instance of what she describes as “insensitive care” during a “really, really frightening” time. “I found it quite distressing that I was in the process of losing my baby, when I could hear others actually having their baby downstairs,” she told the BBC. […]