
Guilt Free Bottle Feeding

Madeleine Morris – co author of Guilt Free Bottle Feeding explains what prompted her and paediatrician Dr Sasha Howard to write the book. When I look at Doctor and Daughter it takes me back to those exhilarating, exhausting first days of motherhood.  So many questions!  So many answers to those questions and none of them the same!  Except, that is, the answer to the question, “should I breastfeed?” The answer from almost everyone we encounter as new mums, from the midwife, to the NCT instructor to the lady next to you on the bus is, “Yes.”  And this is entirely reasonable.  […]

Guilt-Free Bottle Feeding – Madeleine Morris

We have been asked to find someone to review the new book “Guilt-Free Bottle Feeding” by Madeleine Morris If you would like a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review, please visit our Facebook Page and make sure you have “liked” the page and then leave us a comment on our most recent post! Head to our HOMEPAGE and check out all our latest articles!