
Interview with Anna Tizard from Tiba & Marl

Interview with the Lovely Anna Tizard who is a co-founder of TIBA & MARL – who make THE COOLEST Baby Change Bags around! What was your favourite part of being pregnant? I loved the excitement of knowing I was going to have my very own baby!! I loved my tummy growing, and weirdly I also loved the (superficial i know!) challenge of trying to still wear nice clothes, and try to style out the bump (I worked in a fashion office – I wouldn’t just wear leggings!!) What was the worst bit about being pregnant? I’m pretty sure 99% of […]

Birth Debriefing – South London

Whether you have had a traumatic birth or perhaps just a birth that did not go quite as you had planned and you would like to talk to a professional about your options for your next pregnancy then our Birth Debriefing Session is for you. If you are pregnant again or thinking about another baby and you feel nervous or confused about your options for your next birth then come and chat to Top Obstetrician, Roger Marwood who will help set your mind at rest. A Debriefing Session can be very useful if you have experienced -A long and painful […]

More Information about VBAC

More information about having a VBAC – Vaginal Birth after a Caesarean We have written a lot recently about the pros and cons of trying for a vaginal birth after a previous Caesarean section (VBAC). Generally speaking it’s a safe option , especially if you are hoping for more than two children and if your pregnancy is normal and the baby an average size. The risks of an unexpected bad outcome are very low  (approx 1 in 200), and the secret is to wait for labour to start by itself. However, additional information has emerged that might help some women […]

Should I have a Home Birth?

Place of Birth – should you have a home birth?   By Obstetrician Roger Marwood MSc FRCOG Once again , the “Place of Birth ” has become an important issue, and will doubtless be a political  football, which will be kicked around for the next few months by most of the interested parties.  This has been prompted by the release of the NICE recommendations,  that more women should be delivered in Midwifery led units and, more controversially perhaps, at home. They are recommending that all low risk women should be encouraged to give birth in midwifery led units, without any […]

Hollie de Cruz – The Calm Birth School

When I found out I was pregnant back in 2010, I was absolutely terrified at the idea of giving birth. In fact, my approach to childbirth education was to watch “horrific birth videos” on YouTube to see what type of thing I could “survive. Really. My husband and I were then talking to some mutual friends who’d just had their second baby, and I asked the dreaded question…”so how was the birth?”. My friend’s answer was far from any other response I’d heard (mostly how much poo was involved or how bad the tear was) – in fact, she described […]

To VBAC or not to VBAC? Help!

To VBAC or not to VBAC?! I am changing my mind daily… Have had a chat with midwife who pretty much strong armed me into chosing to give birth naturally and then I did a refresher NCT course which has changed my mind!  Because I was induced apparently it will be like a first labour as my body doesn’t know how to naturally start, even though I was fully dilated and pushed for 3 hrs! The hospital says that my constant monitoring is fine as they are wireless and an be used in the pool etc, I since found out […]

Has Haggis Harmed my Unborn Baby?

I am 16 weeks + 4 days pregnant. I have just realised that at 9 weeks + 1 day pregnant I ate haggis. I was at a wedding and had at least 5 deep fried haggis balls. I was aware not to eat pate because of the high vitamin A content but I didn’t think about the haggis being harmful. Have I put the baby at risk? I am particularly anxious because my cousin suffered severe cerebral palsy and I read that high doses of vitamin A can cause birth defects.   Is there any way to know if the baby […]

Why you Should Eat 2 Kiwi Fruit as Soon as you Have Given Birth!

Why you Should Eat 2 Kiwi Fruit as Soon as you Have Given Birth! Every woman is nervous about her first POO after giving birth! Whether you have had a Caesarean or a Natural Birth, you will no doubt be dreading the first time you have to try and do a number two. The softer the stool (poo), the easier it will be to get out and the less strain it will put on your abdominal muscles and perineum (area between vagina and anus). Kiwi fruit are a natural and mild laxative and eating a couple after you have given […]

Interview with Milli Hill- Founder of The Positive Birth Movement

Milli Hill is the founder of The Positive Birth Movement and a freelance writer.  Her weekly column for covers birth, breastfeeding and early parenting, and she also writes for The Telegraph, the Huffington Post, and her own blog, The Mule. She has just finished editing Water Birth: Stories to Inspire and Inform to be published by Lonely Scribe later this year, and has contributed a chapter to The Roar Behind the Silence: Why Kindness, Compassion and Respect Matter in Maternity Care, to be published by Pinter and Martin in October 2014.  She lives in Somerset with her partner and three small children.   […]

Can a minor Prolapse be Reversed? Can I have another Baby?

I had a minor prolapse after my first child.  Please can you tell me if this can be reversed and if I will be able to have another baby? Minor prolapse is very common and there  should be no concern about fertility or miscarriage.  Delivery of the second baby is likely to be easy.  For most women it is the first delivery that causes most of the problems and subsequent deliveries rarely cause any further prolapse. It is not what it looks like, but how it works! For more information on Prolapse, please see this link.