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My Birth Story
In the Birthing Pool My latent labour started on the 14th of April at about 3am when I woke with mild contractions at home in bed. I went back to sleep and woke intermittently for the next few hours until I got up. I spent a relatively nice/strange/surreal/calm day at home with my husband just having what felt like bad period pains and Braxton Hicks together. I ate and drank normally and had a 45 minute nap. After lunch we strapped the TENS machine on and went for a 2 hour walk in the park, went to Sainsburys and was even […]
A Birth Story – Shoulder Dystocia. WARNING – traumatic story but with a great outcome
Many thanks to Sasha of the Happy Baby Blog for sharing her story. There was a pop and then a splosh as my waters broke. It could have been nothing else, I knew it immediately. As I ran to the bathroom it popped again, and I was suddenly standing with a puddle of water at my feet on the cold tiles. My waters. And so it begins. Our first schoolboy error was to get over-excited. It was 3.45am for god sake, and contractions turned out to only start the next evening, but we were excited and nervous and The Chef […]